Indian Links
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 Suppliers of Indian repro parts & services.
 (*= manufacturers of parts)
 Accurate Reproductions* (21-39 Indian Sidecare Parts)
 Alex Lüchinger Motors, Switzerland
 Atelier's Desgens Antique restoration & Machine
 Apopka Indian Parts, USA (Used parts)
 Chief Overdrive 4 Speed Trans* (Hanlon Engineering)
 Carrillo Industries, USA* (Connecting rods)
 Chrome Classics Vintage Motorcycles - (buy, sell, consignment of only classic motorcycles)
 Classic Motorcycle Web Ring (web ring of classics)
 Crocker Motorcycles (Crocker reproduction Parts)
 Fairing Screen Gustafsson* (Windscreens)
 Flathead Power, Sweden & USA* (Cylinders; Chief & Sport Scout)
 George Yarocki Antique Motorcycle Literature
 Heathers Leathers (Seats, Bags and leather work)
 Hiatt Motocycle, USA* (Restoration work on Four engines and gas tanks, special parts)
 Indian Bolts, USA* (Ed Glasgow's Indian bolts. Some application charts here!)
 Indian Parts Europe, Denmark* (Some parts here not normally seen in the USA!)
 Indian Motor Works, Colorado
 Indian Motorcycle Workshop Australia
 Indian Riders UK
 Indian Spirit (Kiwi, King & Hecker Parts-France)
 Iron Horse Corral, California* (Steel fenders -and tanks too!)
 James Gaskets, USA* (The best gaskets for your Indian (really!))
 James Gaskets, Europe (James Indian gaskets now available in Euroland!)
 Juergen Mattern, Germany (Chief and 741 parts sent worldwide)
 Kiwi Indian, California* (VI Dealer Page)
 Krumm's Indian (Austin Texas Indian Shop)
 Landstrom's Foundry (Custom casting and the home of the Warpath engine)
 Liberty Motorcycle Specialties, Illinois, USA* (VI Dealer Page!)
 Link's Indian (Tech advice and restoration work by Ron Link)
 Mas Classics, California (New & used parts, good pix for parts identification on-site)
 Michael Breeding (online catalog), USA* (This is really great; have a look for yourself!)
 Mr Moto, Montana USA
 Morris Magneto, New Jersey, USA*
 Moto Lamps (Marc Michon), California*
 Nostalgia Promotions, Maine (Restoration services + prop bike leasing)
 Oldtimer Service (Poland. Restoration & Parts for Indian & Harley)
 Oregon Vintage *(Indian Resources, Parts, Tools & Accessories)
 Parker Indian, Australia (The last Indian Shop west of LA!)
 Resurrection Cycle Works, USA*
 Rob Olsen's Henderson Site (All new site dedicated the Henderson four)
 Rob Olsen's King Clutch Products (official King site)
 Royal Enfield Indian  (Parts and Info on Clymer and R-E Indians)
 Rocky's Indian Cycle  (Rocky is known for having that part you need!)
 Splitdorf/Autolite page  (Steve Blancard's great site is updated all the time, so check it often!)
 Stan Jessup's KING Clutch Site* (King clutch, Moto Valves, Tools, Parts, Data, Neon Signs)
 Starklite Indian, California*
 The Shop, California (Neat Indian & HD site)
 Victory Library (Extremely useful tech info + Linkert books + parts. Do check this out!)
 Vintage Motorcycle Machining Australia
 Walker Machine, USA * (One-stop 101 shop coming soon!)
 Ziggy's Motorworks, USA* (Ziggy's got a lot of parts and now also a website!)
 Carl's Indian Suppliers List  -More suppliers here!

Organisations, clubs*, personal pages.
(There's more Indian Club info here on the VI "Clubs" page!)

 1920 Board Track Racing Video! (Wow!)
 1999 Australian Indian Rally (Great pix from Ken Kemp!)
 2-stroke Indian bulletin board (1970's models)
 AMCA* (Antique Motorcycle Club of America. Site updated)
 AMCA Chief Blackhawk Chapter* (Davenport meet info here)
 AMCA Evergreen Chapter* (NW events info)
 American Story Inc (military stuff & Indians) (Fine site!)
 Beauty of Speed (Way cool speed tuning site, mostly HD but Indians too)
 Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (Old bikes in Canada)
 Chopper Dave's (Indian Choppers Here! Way cool!)
 Collector's Guide to Vintage Gasoline Additives (Cool!)
 Daniel Harnasch's page of old Indians etc (Nice!)
 Daniel Statnekov's 1900-1933 Racer History (Wonderful history site!)
 Diamond (Nice '47 Chief -and some nice old HDs?- here!)
 DIY Sand Casting Page (Make Indian parts w/your BBQ & your wife's hairdryer!)
 Danish Indian Club* (Mostly in Danish...)
 Eli's Indian page (Lots of good stuff here!)
 Fred Dufrene's French Indian Page (in english) (Grrreat Site! Updated all the time!)
 Freemansburg Motorcycle Hillclimb (Going up!)
 Fritsches' Indian Museum (Indian pictures)
 Gary Smalz (memorabilia & other cool stuff) (Updated often; Good Stuff here!)
 German Indian Club Page* (The prettiest Indian club site so far!) :-)
 Indianmotorbikes (Great looking NZ site with lots of info!)
 Indian Larry (Indian character from NYC)
 Indian Motorcycle Club International*  (New site for the international club!)
 Indian Motorcycle Club of Belgium* (Website in french)
 Indian Motorcycle Club of GB* (Brand new site for the British Indian Club)
 Indian Motorcycles Club France* (French club site in French by Fred Dufrene)
 Indian Motocycle Owners' Club (Sydney, Australia) Online newsletter and more!
 James Solberg Band (Blues playing Indian engine builder! Cool!)
 Jane McMillan-Kologiski(Great Indian artwork, check it out!)
 Jeff McGeary's site (Friends help downed Indian rider get back up)
 John Clauss' Indian Hillclimber Page! (Orie Steele, Hillclimb Champion!)
 Arno Laber's Indian Site (German)
 Lamenta (Nice spanish old-bike site; this link goes to the Indian part of it!)
 Medford Tools (metalworking tools & tube benders)
 Merv's Page (How to attach a sidecar to your 741!)
 Motorcycle Classics Calendar (Great bike pix; Including some Indians!)
 Motor Maids, Inc (The oldest motorcycling organisation for women in North America)
 New Zealand Indians!* (Great Indian racing!! & Indian Owners Register of NZ info!)
 Ned Farr (-Who did the music for the "Indian Summer" video)
 Onionworks, Seattle WA, USA (Flathead HDs & Indians, sponsor of AMCA Evergreen site)
 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists* (Nice Chout pictures here!)
 Patman's Indian Terroritory (That's what it sez. Info on Hedstrom's home in Sweden)
 Rand's Site (among other things modified Indians; racers, choppers etc)
 R Lee Lyons' site (all about American racing 1940-45)
 Rick's 344 (Pictures of just-finished reatoration. Beautiful!)
 Rohan Bradney's ACE page  (1920-22 ACE parts list!)
 Rohan Bradney's Indian page (Indian pictures; 1944 Indian brochure)
 Swedish Indian Club* (Good website -in swedish...)
 The 101 Association, USA* (No presentation needed!)
 Wall of Death (Sam Morgan's brilliant Motor Drome page! Check this out!!)
 WGBY TV (Springfield Mass tv station with cool Indian video! Updated)

Other useful pages. (Buy your books here and support the VI! Thanks) :-)
 American Motorcycle Network (US bike industry news)
 Black Widow Camshafts, USA
 Brazing Handbook online
 Caswell Plating (DIY plating kits & more)
 Foundry Links (pattern making, casting)
 Lindsay's Books (Wonderful books on machinery, technology & inventions!)
 Performance Coatings, USA (Engine & exhaust coatings for power)
 Powder Coating article (Everything you need to know about powder coating for bikes)
 Southern California Timing Association (Info on Land Speed Racing!)
 UPS Quick Cost calculator (Very useful if you're shipping Indian parts!)
 US ZIP codes (Find ZIP code for any US city/state. Use with rate calculators above)
 Vintage Motorcycle Jackets (Everything about cool old jackets here!)
 Western Union (Neat way of sending money worldwide for Indian parts!)
 Yuasa Batteries

Mailing lists etc

Virtual Indian Mailing List info -To join the VI list click here and send empty email!
 Flathead Power Indian Tech Talk (New message board for Indians only!)
 Indian Digest (dorje list) subscription info
 Kiwi Indian Message Board
 Starklite Indian List subscription info
 Antique Motorcycle Club of America Tech List (tech talk on antique motorcycles)
 MC Laws mailing list (US Bikers' Rights list)